Pfitz, Week 12 (45.7 miles)
Quick weekly recap, but stay tuned for the most awesomest race report. Or should I say, “stay tuned for a report on the most awesomest race.” But then again, is “awesomest” a word? Should it be “awesome-est”? I suppose all you English dorks majors would argue it should be “most awesome.” Or you may argue that hyperbole doesn’t belong in a measly race report — at least MY race report — ‘cuz after all I’m not Deena or Paula. But I AM getting faster. So I think I can crow a bit.
Umm… where was I? Oh yeah! My week in training:
Sunday: slacked off.
Monday: the second of my “barf up a lung” workouts, or, as I’ll now refer to it, BUAL™. 8 miles with 5 x 600 m sprints @ 5K pace. Although I was shooting for an 8 min/mile pace for each, I was able to run far faster without feeling totally wiped. As usual my first interval was REALLY fast (7:18 pace), but the rest were in the 7:39-7:44 range. Mind you, this was only for 600 meters; the real test will be when I have to do 1000-, 1200- and 1600-meter BUALs™
Tuesday: started my day with a much-needed restorative session in yoga with lots of stretching, particularly for our hips. Ended my day with an 11-mile long run around Lake Union (9:37 average pace).
Wednesday: whatever we did in yoga certainly caught up with me today — my butt and hips were killing me! Fortunately it was a rest day from running.
Thursday: 7.5-mile recovery run. Hips and butt muscles were still sore, so I welcomed the nice easy run. My darling joined me for the first couple of miles, then he finished up at his Speedy McSpeedster pace. I averaged 9:53 min/mile
Friday: gave myself a gold star today for doing my arm weight routine 3x a week for the past 4 weeks. Yeah me! My cook date went long so I wasn’t looking forward to that afternoon’s 12-mile long run. Didn’t head out until almost 5 p.m., which is late for me (I’m sure those of you who are stuck in an office until 6 or 7 p.m. are cursing me right now). My right calf was feeling really tight and I was very lethargic. However, I didn’t have much to eat during the day, so I’m sure that’s what contributed to it. I was concerned I wouldn’t be up for running the 10K race on Saturday, but since I’d be signing up day-of-race I figured I could bag it if I wasn’t feeling well. My pace was similar to yesterday’s: 9:54 min/mile.
Saturday: Walk & Roll 10K. It’s late, so I won’t be posting my race report until tomorrow. But I swear, you’ll be calling it Awesome McSplendidton. (Or maybe not; that’s kinda hard to say).
April 28th, 2008 at 3:09 am
BUAL workouts? 😀
I run too few and too many of those all at once!
Dont we all though?
April 28th, 2008 at 7:23 am
Yes, but only I have trademarked them 🙂
April 28th, 2008 at 8:02 am
Wow, you are puttin’ up the miles. I have never done a 45 mile week….unless a marathon was included in the total. Great work!
April 28th, 2008 at 8:08 am
Nitmos: it’s what I must do if I want to travel to the place you were at this past Monday!
April 28th, 2008 at 8:45 am
Great job sticking to the plan! I like reading your weekly training recaps; I may copy from you once I start my training. Can’t wait to hear about your Amazing Race from the weekend!
April 28th, 2008 at 7:13 pm
holy shit girl! shit. can i say shit on your site? you %$*^&* rock! at this rate you are so getting to boston before me!
April 28th, 2008 at 7:13 pm
run betsy run!!!!