(Sorta) 10K on (sorta) the 10th
Sheesh, for someone who calls herself a “non runner,” Nancy sure makes people run a lot. First there was “8 on the 8th,” THEN she wheedles us into “9 on the 9th.” Next thing I know she comes up with another hare-brained scheme: “10 on the 10th.” But while I dutifully join her in these shenanigans, does she reciprocate? NOOOOO. I asked her to run 22 miles on Dec. 22nd, and I don’t even think I got a response. HARRUMPH.
Oh! And get this: while 8 on the 8th and 9 on the 9th were in miles, for some reason she takes the easy way out with 10 on the 10th, making us run kilometers instead of miles (I think she needs to just go live with Pete Pfitzinger, ‘cuz she obviously isn’t a true American).
And while I’m on this rant, I have yet another beef: what’s with the freakin’ caveman getups? Doesn’t she realize I’m a zebra? Criminy.
Anyhoo, I’ve really had my panties in a wad over this, which mostly likely was the cause for the catastrophe that was my 10K: I DNF’d.
I really don’t know what happened. I’ve been running so fast lately. But perhaps that’s the problem. My right lower leg has been giving me grief (calf is tight, plus I have a bit of a shin splint), however, once I’ve warmed up the pain/tightness goes away. Until my run on Thursday, that is.
I was scheduled to do an 11-mile long run, and since I have the Kirkland Half Marathon tomorrow, I decided to take the run really slow. My darling joined me, despite my warnings I’d be Pokey Josephina. I stopped to stretch after a half mile, but a mile into the run my calf was still tight. However, I vowed to continue on.
My darling suggested we could cut the run short, but I thought things would get better. But when we hit a downhill portion and I couldn’t run faster than a 10 1/2 minute mile, I knew I was in trouble. We still ran 7 1/2 miles, but it was one of the suckiest runs I’ve had in a long time.
Needless to say, I wasn’t looking forward to running a 10K the next day (I had to run the race on Friday so I’d be fresh for the half marathon). But fortunately icing my leg and taking Vitamin I seemed to do the trick. I had hoped to run part of the half marathon course (I wanted to get a better idea of the hills I’d be encountering), but during my drive-through of the route I saw they were tarring portions of the road where I’d be running. Probably best, as I’m sure my calf wouldn’t have appreciated more hills.
Instead I decided to run my old stand-by: Greenlake. The weather was warm enough for me to wear my new “Toenails are for Sissies” t-shirt, awarded to me by Tom and Amy of The Runner’s Lounge. (Thank you SO MUCH! You guys are the best!). I also threw on my new Sugoi lightweight running shorts. About a quarter mile into the run I had to turn around because, well, my panties were in a wad — literally. (They’re the kind that are great with ultra low-rise pants, but not so great for running). After a quick change-a-roo I was back in business.
Although my calf was a bit tight still, it was loosening up. But after making one loop around the lake my shin splint started acting up. Not wanting to jeopardize my race on Sunday, I started thinking about cutting things short. However, just as I hit the turn-off toward home, I got a second wind. I ran another mile, then headed back. But just as I was nearing home, I hit The Wall. I just couldn’t force myself to run another step.
So it’s with much sadness and disgrace that I report my final time/distance:
May 10th, 2008 at 12:24 pm
Dude, I was just about to rave and make you feel better since your finishing time was better than mine, and I was having a good running day. And then I noticed the distance. 6.19? Umm, you’re lucky Nancy’s such a wonderful race director or else we’d call foul 🙂 My report’s not up yet, but I promise I won’t call you out.
Good luck tomorrow!
May 10th, 2008 at 12:25 pm
Well, that’s close enough in my book. Way to push through it. Good luck in the half tomorrow!
May 10th, 2008 at 12:37 pm
Topher, that’s my whole point — I D(id) N(ot) F(inish). I just couldn’t muster up the strength to run the final .01 miles. The race was a bust. I’m hanging my head in shame.
May 10th, 2008 at 12:38 pm
HA HA HA HA HA — you are killing me. 6.19 is just fine, and I love love love the Vitamin I reference. You definitely are a zebra and that is just fine! 😀
I like ya, but I’m still not doing 22. hee hee
Thanks so much for going through all this just to be out there.
PS your shirts rocks.
May 10th, 2008 at 1:48 pm
You had me worried for a minute. I’m getting all of my running joy vicariously through your blog you know! Good luck in Kirkland.
May 10th, 2008 at 2:02 pm
Yep, Nancy got us all hooked with that slow and steady progression — 8, 9, 10. And, with all that Caveman/Cavewoman stuff, I think she must also be a real schizo!
I hate that your run was so tough. Glad to see that the race director has accepted your mileage. My experience with a Forerunner (granted an older one) was that it wasn’t accurate to 1/100th of a mile anyway. But, you now, for a bad run, 58 minutes ain’t bad at all.
May 10th, 2008 at 2:02 pm
That last sentence should have read, “But, you know….”
May 10th, 2008 at 2:25 pm
Thank you Bob! It actually wasn’t as bad a run as the day before. And I suppose I should fess up — I purposefully stopped Garmin .01 miles short since I thought it would make for a better blog post. But shhhh… don’t tell anyone!
May 10th, 2008 at 3:01 pm
Tee hee… “panties in a wad– literally”. Such a great report and that’s the line that gets the giggle out of me. 😛
Good luck tomorrow!
May 10th, 2008 at 6:37 pm
6.19 miles! That’s great! Ummmm at 58 minutes I was still lookin’ at another 18 minutes of “running” to get to that same mark.
The weather was perfect here in northern Thailand, overcast and much cooler than usual. It was great “running” with you today!
May 11th, 2008 at 6:07 am
DNF trumps DNS. (yours truly DNS)