Pfitz, Week 17 (27.11 miles)
Although technically my taper officially started a week ago, I feel my true taper started after my BUAL™ workout on Tuesday. It was one of the toughest runs of the training — only eight miles, but three were at 5K pace. I’m SOOOO glad to have the speed work over and done with. Other than a marathon pace “dress rehearsal” this coming week, all my runs are basically at recovery pace. Hallelujah!
Sunday: my darling and I took advantage of the glorious weather and walked to a local farmer’s market for pizza and ice cream. (And to appease you health freaks, we also picked up some Brussels sprouts and mizuna for our salad. Oh, and rhubarb, for, um, a pie).
Monday: my gym was closed for Memorial Day so I got to sleep in. Ran a 7-mile general aerobic run in the afternoon with eight 100m strides (8:50 overall pace).
Tuesday: I know I’ve said this before, but I today’s yoga class HAD to be the worst day in terms of flexibility (as in, I had none!). It still felt good afterwards, but I sure was groaning a lot. My darling joined me for my BUAL™ workout; I started with an easy 2-mile jog, then ran my first 1-mile sprint at 7:52. Took another easy mile, then ran a 7:32. Followed that with an easy mile, then ran a 7:41. Finished with an easy mile. Overall pace: 8:58.
Wednesday: rest day for running, but spent a little over an hour at the gym doing my arm weights and ab exercises.
Thursday: decided to sleep in again, and although I intended do my 5-mile recovery run with strides that afternoon, I decided to rest some more. I’ve been feeling on the verge of getting a cold, so I figured it would do me some good.
Friday: made up for the previous days’ sloth by running 6.75 miles. It was supposed to be a recovery run (9:30 min/mile or more), but I felt too darn good. Overall pace: 8:51.
Saturday: normally this would be my long run day, but on a whim I signed up for the Runnersworld L&O June mileage challenge (north vs. south). Since I’ll be tapering and recovering this month, I figured I could use the extra miles and postponed my long run to Sunday. However, I took a VERY easy 5.36-mile recovery run (overall pace: 9:44). With that run, I racked up another 200-mile month! But the best part? The 1 1/2 hour massage in the afternoon. She primarily worked on my legs this time, but when I go back on Thursday she’ll work more on my upper body. Pure heaven!
We’re getting close folks. I’m already obsessing over the weather (it looks like we’ll have some rain, which I actually prefer over heat). I’ll continue to take things slow this week and will make sure I’m eating properly. Although I really wanted either a martini or glass of wine last night (okay — so I wanted both), I refrained. But you can bet I’ll be imbibing after the marathon — BQ or not!
June 2nd, 2008 at 7:54 pm
just wanted to say good luck on this weekend. hope the weather cooperates as well! wish i was doing it too!
June 2nd, 2008 at 7:55 pm
Thank you!
June 3rd, 2008 at 10:52 am
Oooh, can you feel the excitement? It’s coming….
GOOD LUCK as you head into the countdown! We are all pulling for you!
June 3rd, 2008 at 1:12 pm
I really hope the rain forecast is accurate. As long as it’s not a cold, hard, driving rain, it would sure be more conducive to your BQ attempt than stifling heat. I’ll keep my fingers crossed!
What’s your most prevalent emotion right now? Excitement? Anxiety? Nausea?:-P
June 3rd, 2008 at 4:55 pm
Frayed: No pulling from you; you need to heal 🙂
Angie: “What’s (my) most prevalent emotion right now? Excitement? Anxiety? Nausea?”
Yes 🙂
June 5th, 2008 at 7:20 am
Enjoy the taper…don’t install any retaining walls with your extra energy!
Have an amazing race.
June 6th, 2008 at 8:13 am
Good luck! you’ll do great. Enjoy the post race imbibing.
June 6th, 2008 at 11:58 am
Good hunting this weekend!
Looks like the temperature will be comfortable, and it looks like down to “few showers”. Hopefully everything will cooperate.
Run like a zebra being chased by a lion!