How do you spell “dork”?
You start with a capital “b,” end with a lowercase “y,” and add the letters “e,” “t” and “s” (in that order) in the middle.
A 6ish mile run was on the docket today; it was to be a solo run given my darling is still easing into running. I had considered another neighborhood run, but decided to get a change of scenery and head to Seward Park, where I’d start with a 2-mile loop around the park, then head along Lake Washington Blvd. and back for another 4+ miles. Although cloudy, the day promised to provide enough sun breaks to make the run thoroughly enjoyable.
My day started as usual — lollygagging on the couch reading through food and fitness blogs, figuring out what tunes to plug into my iPod, eating a hearty bowl of steelcut oats with a couple of bananas. I was particularly psyched to get a copy of AC/DCs “Thunderstruck” from my darling as I thought it would be a perfect starting song (my other favorite is the live version of Metallica’s “Enter Sandman,” but I didn’t want to overplay it for fear I’d get bored). I also threw in some B-52s (“Rock Lobster,” “My Own Private Idaho”) and the Sugar Hill Gang’s “Rapster’s Delight” for good measure. Not only was I looking forward to a new mix of music, I was eager to try out my new iPod armband (it’s getting where long shirts and coats with pockets will be much too hot).
I threw some money, my ID, cell phone and a mango Clif Shot into my wallet/water belt and was on my way. Halfway there I realized I had forgotten my watch; oh well, I can just use the stopwatch on my iPod. Besides, I wasn’t running for time today; I just wanted to get a good workout (running steady the entire time; no walk breaks).
By the time I arrived at the park most of the parking spots were taken (the day was getting increasingly nicer), but fortunately I found one. Stopped at the potties for one final pee break and then got my gear on. I started the stopwatch, and then hit my running playlist. No AC/DC. Hmmmm. I turned up the volume, but still nothing.
(big sigh)
I can’t believe I’m about to admit this:
It was then I realized I DIDN’T HAVE MY EARBUDS IN.
In fact, they weren’t even plugged into my iPod.
Even worse, they were sitting in my purse on the kitchen counter at home. D’OH!
Perhaps what they say about blondes is true.
April 14th, 2007 at 8:20 pm
With all there is to remember to bring along for a run, your oversight is certainly understandable. If you’d forgotten your shorts, though…