Nov. 5 weigh-in
For the past couple of months I’ve been weighing myself both in the morning and evening. While it may seem over-compulsive, I’m just curious to see how my weight fluctuates. It tends to follow a similar pattern: I’m all gung-ho to exercise in the beginning of the week, so I’ll see a drop of a couple of pounds. Then the weekend comes and everything goes to hell (must work on that!). And of course I can expect a few pounds of water weight gain once a month.
Although I feel really good about myself and am the fittest I’ve ever been, I know I can do better. I tend to gain a few pounds during the food orgy that is HallowThanksChristYear, but this year the weight gain started early. Not being able to run certainly has been a factor, but my darling and I decided to try a (failed) experiment for the month of October. By giving up meat I allowed myself to gorge on less healthy, albeit vegetarian, fare.
Fortunately I have a group of blogging buddies to keep me motivated this time.
On last-week’s kick-off, my weight was 166.4; today I’m 164.4. Yeah! Of course, last week was my bloat week, so a lot was most likely water. But I also started running again (hallelujah!) and made (mostly) wise food choices.
The good:
- Ran 3 miles on Thursday and 6 miles on Saturday with no hip pain
- Went to the gym four days
- Performed my PT exercises like a good girl
The not-so-good:
- Not only skipped the gym on Friday, I succumbed to PMS that afternoon and put off my PT exercises as well, preferring instead to eat a bowl of buttered popcorn and cry
The really naughty:
- Decided the best way to alleviate the PMS was to drink a martini and share two bottles of wine with my darling (forcing me to run said 6 miles with a hangover)
This week I hope to do better on the exercise front (although since I was up late last night straining a 24-quart pot of beef stock, I skipped the gym this morning, preferring to get an additional hour of sleep). I’m hoping to up my mileage this week to about 20 miles, including a long run this weekend of 9 miles (assuming my hip cooperates). However, this weekend I’m throwing myself a birthday party so there’s sure to be several indulgences (but if I do gain weight for the weigh-in on Monday — my birthday — I think I’ll deduct a couple of pounds as a gift to myself). 🙂
November 5th, 2007 at 9:58 am
2 lbs is perfect. Way to go. See, we can include martini’s and still lose weight. hee hee.
November 5th, 2007 at 3:34 pm
Your week sounds nearly perfect. A little indulgence, a little running, a little weight loss and no hip pain. I’m sure you could have done without a little PMS, but at least you won’t have it on your birthday! Three cheers for running without hip pain!
November 5th, 2007 at 3:47 pm
My husband does that, weighs himself in the morning and at night. Then marvels at how he “sleeps” off a pound or so. I did read something that said you lose water weight overnight by 1. sweating 2. breathing and 3. relieving one’s self.
Good for you for continuing to exercise even if you’re cheating a tiny bit!
November 7th, 2007 at 9:44 pm
Chuckling at “HallowThanksChristYear”. Never fails for me either, especially Halloween… I just can’t keep my grubby hands out of the kids’ buckets. In my defense, kids just don’t appreciate the good stuff, so somebody has to, right?!
November 8th, 2007 at 9:35 am
i liked “bloat week” … of course it has a name. bloat week. brilliant.
November 8th, 2007 at 9:40 am
Everyone knows what I’m talking about, but I thought a euphemism would be more appropriate!
November 10th, 2007 at 7:11 am
There is a woman at the park where I run who brings a scale with her to the park to weigh before and after the run.
November 10th, 2007 at 9:07 am
You’ve GOT to be kidding me! Now, that’s obsessive 🙂
(And thank you for stopping by!)